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Animal Themed Cutting Printable

Writer: Our Playful Learning JourneyOur Playful Learning Journey

Help your child develop their cutting skills with these adorable free animal themed printable pages. You can even make some animal puppets too!

Free animal themed cutting and tracing pages for children
Cute animal themed cutting strips for a fun way to work on cutting skills.

Lions, pandas, bears, sloths, koalas and more. So many cute little animals to inspire your little one to work on their cutting skills. These could also be used for tracing too!

I set this up as an invitation to cut with some animal figurines to encourage some play too.

Miss almost 3 is really enjoying learning to cut at the moment and wants to work on her new skills whenever she can. I printed off the easiest cutting strips for her and she enjoyed snipping along the lines to cut up the animal pictures.

*Important safety - children should be closely supervised when using scissors, as they are sharp. Please note this activity was supervised by an adult. You can start your child with safety scissors to begin with, which are a lot less sharp and can only cut paper.

Free animal themed cutting printable strips for cutting practice with scissors for kids
Animal cutting strips ready to cut

What is included in this printable:

  • Picture strips - Cut the page apart into strips for your child/students to cut straight through the lines in a small straight cut. These are the easiest cutting pages in the pdf. These little square animal pictures are great for gluing and creating artworks after they have been cut up.

  • Straight line strips - cut along the line

  • Curved lines

  • Zigzag lines

  • Cut out the shapes

  • Animal picture page - cut out and use to make puppets, or a picture.

Free animal themed cutting practice strips for scissor practice for children
There are a range of different cutting strips and pages included.

DIY Animal Stick Puppets

The last page of the animal cutting pages can be used to make puppets. Miss 6 cut her own puppets out except for a couple of the trickier animals. I helped Miss nearly 3 by cutting her animals out and she helped to tape them to the icy-pole sticks.

Free printable animal cutting pages to make printable animal puppets for children
The last printable page can be used to make puppets.

Free printable cutting pages for kids. Printable stick puppets for kids to use for a puppet show.
The animal puppets ready for the puppet show!

We made a little puppet theatre stage from our Grimms rainbow, semi-circles and a rainbow silk for a curtain.

Both girls enjoyed using their puppets to put on pretend shows!

I also put out some blank white A4 paper so that the girls could draw and make their own puppets too.

A puppet show is a great way to work on developing vocabulary, oral language skills, creativity, imagination and cooperation when working with others.


You may also like the following cutting and tracing pages:


How to get your free copy:

Subscribe to the email list below to download your free animal cutting pages and to access the free VIP playful library of printable resources. The password to the VIP area will be sent in the welcome email.

For current subscribers - use the password sent in your welcome email or on the blog update email to access the VIP Playful Library.

I hope you enjoy using these printable pages and have fun making puppets!

Until next time, have fun learning in a playful way!

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